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Derivatives of linear algebra functions by Automatic Differentiation

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Dear Fenics Community,

do you know if it is possible to obtain with Fenics the derivatives of a linear algebra function with respecto to a set of given independent variables (e.g. the derivative of the determinant of a matrix with respect to the independent vars.)? Thanks a lot in advance.

Kind regards,

Roberto Lemoine

asked Feb 17, 2014 by robertolemoine FEniCS Novice (120 points)

Have you looked at the derivative function?

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

thank you for your reply. I have taken a look at it. However, I would like to know if the automatic differentiation routines of FEniCS can correctly get derivatives of quantities coming out from an iterative process (I need the derivatives of the determinant, largest eigenvalue and condition number of a matrix with respect to the independent variables).

I have used so far only ADOL-C and frequently one gets erroneous results for quantities coming from iterative processes if one does not modify the source code of the function correctly. Can FEniCS deal error-free with the derivation of such quantities?

Kind regards,
Roberto Lemoine
