Dear FEniCS person,
I am running an application in parallel and wondering how I can get the global set of boundary values for an object of type DirichletBC.
I test with the following script
from dolfin import *
m = UnitCubeMesh(1,1,1)
V = FunctionSpace(m, "CG", 1)
bc = DirichletBC(V, 1.0, "near(x[0], 0.0)")
bc_dofs = bc.get_boundary_values().keys()
print bc_dofs
If i run the script
mpirun -n 3 python
I get the output
[2L, 4L, 5L, 7L]
Which looks like only the second processor owns the dofs in the bc. The method gather() returns a dictionary and accepts no parameters so I am confused as to how it should be used if not as in the script.
Best Regards,