Hello, I am solving an advection-reaction equation:
F = mu*inner(nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v))*dx +R*inner(u,v)*dx
solve(F == 0, u, bcs)
With Dirichlet boundary conditions (u=1 on the left, u=0 on the right). U is a CG 1 function.
With the following reactive term, everything works:
On the other hand, with this (similarly shaped, and smoother) reactive term, the newton solver does not converge.
I noticed that, for coarse meshes (less than 100x100), if I add
Then the solver will converge. For a bit finer meshes the same is true if I interpolate R onto a CG1 space, but for very fine meshes the solver will never converge.
The first reactive term always works without any need of interpolating it.
Any idea?