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How to define a given, explizit Runge-Kutta-method correctly

+1 vote

After implementing the backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson as shown in this question, I want to implement an IMEX method, using the trapezoidal rule for the diffusion term and a quite simple explicit Runge-Kutta-scheme for the rhs:
$\frac{1}{h}(y_{n+1} - y_n) = \frac{1}{2} rhs(t_n, x_n) + \frac{1}{2} rhs(t_{n+1}, rhs(t_n, x_n) )$

I searched in the pdf-book for an example of an implementation of a Runge-Kutta-method, but couldn't find one. Something is wrong with the definition of my variational form, but I don't know what. Could you please give me a hint?

# ---------- trapezoidal, tpz
m3_old = interpolate(u_start,V)
m3 = TrialFunction(V)
n3 = TestFunction(V)

k3_1 = rhs_old(m3_old)
k3_2 = rhs(k3_1)

B3 = inner(m3,n3)*dx + dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m3), nabla_grad(n3))*dx
G3 = - dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m3_old), nabla_grad(n3))*dx + inner(dt*1/2*(k3_1 + k3_2) + m3_old, n3)*dx

m3 = Function(V)
m3 = interpolate(u_start,V)
asked Jan 28, 2014 by bobby53 FEniCS User (1,260 points)

Since your code example is incomplete, it is hard for us to know what either. Please reformulate your question in accordance with the guidelines given here:

The implemented IMEX-Euler and IMEX-CNAB methods are working just fine, so there should somewhere be an error in the definition. In my opinion $\frac{1}{2} rhs (t_{n+1}, rhs(t_n,x_n))$ isn't implemented correctly. Thank you for your help/interest :-)

Here is my complete source code, including the IMEX-Euler and IMEX-CNAB:

from __future__ import division
# import for division, see: http://stackoverflow.    com/questions/2958684/python-division

from dolfin import *
import numpy as     np

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use( "agg" )
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from math import exp
from math import sin
from math import cos
# ------------------- settings, definitions
# to shut off the output

# nx = M in koto-paper
nx = 20
xmax = 1
mesh = IntervalMesh(nx, 0, xmax)

# definition of solving method
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

T = 1
dt = 1/nx
# ------------------- boundary conditions
# Define boundary segments
class left(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        tol = 1E-13   # tolerance for coordin    ate comparisons
        return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) <     tol

class right(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        tol = 1E-13 
        return on_boundary and abs(x[0] - xmax) <     tol

# instances of SubDomain
Dirichlet_l = left()
Dirichlet_r = right()

# FacetFunctions, one for Neumann and one for Dirichlet boundary conditions
exterior_facet_domains_D = FacetFunction("uint", mesh)

# marking of the corresponding FaceFunctions
Dirichlet_l.mark(exterior_facet_domains_D, 2)
Dirichlet_r.mark(exterior_facet_domains_D, 3)

# definition of g_N and g_D, corresponding Functions
g_0 = Expression("exp(t) * sin(t)", t=0)
g_1 = Expression("exp(t-1)*sin(t+1)", t=0)

# definition of Dirichlet boundary conditions, Neumann     boundaries in variational form
bcs = [DirichletBC(V, g_0, exterior_facet_domains_D, 2),
       DirichletBC(V, g_1, exterior_facet_domains_D, 3)]
# ------------------- boundary conditions

# ------------------- RHS, exact solution
def rhs(u):
  return u - u*u + f

def rhs_old(u):
  return u - u*u + f_old

def rhs_old_2(u):
  return u - u*u + f_old_2

f = Expression("3*exp(t-x[0])*cos(t+x[0])+exp(2*(t-x[0]))*(pow(sin(t+x[0]),2))", t=0)
f_old = Expression("3*exp(t-x[0])*cos(t+x[0])+exp(2*(t-x[0]))*(pow(sin(t+x[0]),2))", t=0)
f_old_2 = Expression("3*exp(t-x[0])*cos(t+x[0])+exp(2*(t-x[0]))*(pow(sin(t+x[0]),2))", t=0)

u_exact = Expression("exp(t-x[0])*sin(t+x[0])",t=0)

# initial values
u_start = Expression("exp(-x[0])*sin(x[0])")
# ------------------- RHS, exact solution

# ------------------- IMEX
# ---------- Euler
m1_old = interpolate(u_start,V)
m1 = TrialFunction(V)
n1 = TestFunction(V)

B1 = inner(m1,n1)*dx + dt*inner(nabla_grad(m1), nabla_grad(n1))*dx
G1 = inner(dt*rhs_old(m1_old) + m1_old, n1)*dx

m1 = Function(V)
m1 = interpolate(u_start,V)
# ---------- CNAB
m2_old = interpolate(u_start,V)
m2_old_2 = interpolate(u_start,V)
m2 = TrialFunction(V)
n2 = TestFunction(V)

B2 = inner(m2,n2)*dx + dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m2), nabla_grad(n2))*dx
G2 = - dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m2_old), nabla_grad(n2))*dx + inner(dt*3/2*rhs_old(m2_old) - dt*1/2* rhs_old_2(m2_old_2) + m2_old, n2)*dx

m2 = Function(V)
m2 = interpolate(u_start,V)
# ---------- trapezoidal, tpz
m3_old = interpolate(u_start,V)
m3 = TrialFunction(V)
n3 = TestFunction(V)

k3_1 = rhs_old(m3_old)
k3_2 = rhs(k3_1)

B3 = inner(m3,n3)*dx + dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m3), nabla_grad(n3))*dx
G3 = - dt*1/2*inner(nabla_grad(m3_old), nabla_grad(n3))*dx + inner(dt*1/2*(k3_1 + k3_2) + m3_old, n3)*dx

m3 = Function(V)
m3 = interpolate(u_start,V)
# ------------------- IMEX

# ------------------- 
norm_IMEX = 0
norm_CNAB = 0
norm_tpz = 0

# as first step is just interpolating, it can be saved directly
u_exact_int = interpolate(u_exact,V)

# ---------- update of time dependent data
t = dt
g_0.t = t
g_1.t = t
f.t = t
f_old.t = t-dt
f_old_2.t = t-2*dt
u_exact_int = Function(V)

# ---------- time steps
while t <= T+dt:

    # ---------- IMEX
    # Euler
    solve(B1 == G1, m1, bcs = bcs)
    if(t >= 2*dt):
      solve(B3 == G3, m3, bcs = bcs)
    # CNAB
    if(t >= 2*dt):
      solve(B2 == G2, m2, bcs = bcs)
    # ---------- computation of error     
    error = errornorm(u_exact, m3,'l2',5)
       norm_tpz = error

    error = errornorm(u_exact, m1,'l2',5)
    if(error>norm_IMEX ):
       norm_IMEX  = error

    error = errornorm(u_exact, m2,'l2',5)
       norm_CNAB = error

    # ---------- interpolation of exact solution
    u_exact_int = interpolate(u_exact,V)

    # ---------- assigning of solution from previous time step

    # ---------- update of time dependent data
    t += dt
    g_0.t = t
    g_1.t = t
    f.t = t
    f_old.t = t-dt
    f_old_2.t = t-2*dt

#  ------------------- ploting, output of errors
print 'L2-Error IMEX        = %.2e' % (norm_IMEX)
print 'L2-Error IMEX CNAB   = %.2e' % (norm_CNAB)
print 'L2-Error IMEX tpz    =%.12f' % (norm_tpz)