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Compute normal vector to cells

+5 votes

I have a surface mesh in 3D and I want to define a vertex_normals matrix that represents the average of the normal vectors (properly aligned) of all the cells that intersect with each vertex. My approach is not very fast and I wonder if there's a better (or preexisting) way to do it.

My approach has been the following:

  • make a list (vertex_neighbours) of all the the cells that contain each vertex.
  • make a list (normal_faces) of the normal vector to each cell (cross product of vertex coordinates, not sure if fenics has this functionality already).
  • combine both lists to generate the desired vertex_normals:

vertex_normals = [np.sum(normal_faces[vertex_neighbours[vertex]])/
len(vertex_neighbours[vertex]) for vertex in xrange(num_vertices)]

This is unfortunately not very fast for large meshes, and so far I haven't been able to figure out a way to vectorize it.

asked Jun 20, 2013 by irozada FEniCS Novice (330 points)

Which of the three parts of the algorithm performs poorly?

The third part, specifically the code for vertex_normals. I found a way to vectorize the other two parts, making them about 40x faster than with a for-loop, but for the third part the best I could do was list comprehension.

This is rather pythonic than FEniCS question. Nevertheless, does this help vertex_normals = np.average(normal_faces[vertex_neighbours], axis=1)?

I'll give it a try, thanks. I was wondering if there was a preexisting function, there's something called FacetNormal, but I couldn't figure out how to use it.

As I know

n = FacetNormal(mesh)

can be used only in forms as it does not have eval method - FFC generates code evaluating it directly. Maybe it can be projected or interpolated to some suitable space - is there a vector space having one degree of freedom corresponding to each facet?

FunctionSpace(mesh, "RT", 1)

From the picture that looks about right. Could you give me an example?, say, suppose you wanted to find the normal vector to cell 7.

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "RT", 1)
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
n = project(n, V)

Then you need to access correct dofs of n. You can use V.dofmap().dof_to_vertex_map() or parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False. See this question.

I'm sorry, this is of course wrong. Here DOFs are associated with facets so obviously you can't access them by dof_to_vertex_map(). But some other helper function within V.dofmap() could help - check DofMap documentation and dolfin/fem/DofMap.cpp in case of emergency. Alternatively you can do (in serial only) parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False which should ensure that dofs are numbered by facet indeces.
