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DiracDelta with variable magnitude in nonlinear objective

+1 vote

Dear all,

I am trying to minimize a functional of the form

$$J(f) = \sum_i ||y_i - f(x_i)||^2 + Regularizer(f)$$

where Regularizer gives rise to a nonlinear problem. To convert this to a functional that can be minimized with Fenics, I rewrite it as in, equation (25). Unfortunately I haven't found a way to implement the Delta function that appears there in Fenics. The PointSource class doesn't work, because the magnitude there is constant, but I need something that depends on the function. Also I haven't figured out how to make PointSource work with the NonlinearVariationalSolver.

Do you have any suggestions as to how my objective can be implemented?


asked Jan 18, 2014 by Philipp Moritz FEniCS Novice (130 points)

You may succeed defining approximate Dirac deltas using conditional.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Have you looked at PointMeasure (*dP) ?

(You would then run into some missing functionality cf. )

answered Jan 22, 2014 by Marie E. Rognes FEniCS User (5,380 points)