I'm solving a Maxwell problem on a larger domain $\Omega$ and then use the result as a right-hand side $f$ for a Navier-Stokes time integration in a subdomain $\Omega_s\subset \Omega$. Right now, I'm using SubMesh(...)
to extract the submesh corresponding to $\Omega_s$. This function however does not work in parallel (which I believe may be related to the fact that the partitioning of $\Omega$ vs. $\Omega_s$ is not trivial to organize).
Since either of the two steps (solving Maxwell, time-stepping Navier-Stokes) runs in parallel, and the transition has to be done only once (as a preprocessing step to Navier-Stokes), I thought there might be a parallel-friendly way of creating the submesh corresponding to $\Omega_s$ and carrying over $f$. -- Maybe even without writing out the data into files and rereading them.
Any ideas?