I want to combine the Stokes- and the Poisson-equation (Darcy) with the Beaver-Jospeh interface condition. I work in the Unit Square and created two subdomains, one from [0, 0.5] and the other from [0.5, 1].
At the interior boundary i want to use the Beaver-Jospeh condition:
where u_D denotes the Darcy-velocity in the porous domain and u(x,0+) the Stokes-velocity in the fluid domain. c is a constant.
Now I don´t know how to create an interior boundary condition.
I found something like this:
facet_domains = FacetFunction('size_t', mesh)
for f in facets(mesh):
if any(ff.exterior() for ff in facets(f)):
facet_domains[f] = 1
u_in = Constant(-1.0)
bc_in = DirichletBC(V, u_in, facet_domains, 0)
But I think i have to use interior facets?
Can anybody help me how to do this please? I don´t know exactly how to start.