I've just downloaded FEniCs via dorsal and tried to run a few demos with mpirun but getting errors:
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Error: Unable to partition mesh using SCOTCH.
*** Reason: Error during partitioning.
*** Where: This error was encountered inside SCOTCH.cpp.
*** Process: 15
*** DOLFIN version: 1.2.0+
*** Git changeset: 55bf4b010df788a25ba15d0ae7e4485761680132
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've tried the poisson, nonlinear-poison, hyperelasticity, optimization demos so far. I do
"cmake ." followed by "make" and then run them with: mpirun -np 24 ./demo_x
I'm on ubuntu 13.04.
I don't know why.
Thanks, Gennadiy