I have a mesh and facetfunction written to stored in an HDF5 file.
When I read both in using mpi_comm_world()
, I have no issue, but when I read in the facet function I get errors.
Unable to read meshfunction topology.
*** Reason: Mesh dimension mismatch.
*** Where: This error was encountered inside HDF5File.cpp.
*** Process: 21
h5file = dl.HDF5File(mpi_comm_self(), "meshandfacetfunction.h5", "r")
mesh = dl.Mesh()
h5file(mesh, "/mesh", False)
facets = dl.FacetFunction('size_t', mesh)
h5file.read(facets, "/facets") #issue with reading in facets
How can I get both the mesh and the facets read in with mpi_comm_self(). I'm running a problem where I want the mesh and facets to be identical on every mpi-process, instead of partitioned across processors.