Hello FEniCS experts!
I am very new to using fenics and actually also python (started using both for my master thesis because it was recommended to me)
I am in a situation where I need to solve some magnetostatic differential equations in 2D due to some domain assumptions I have a differential equation as following:
B = magnetic density field, J = current density field.
[dB_z/dx,dB_z/dy] = mu_0*[-Jy,Jx]
solving with my boundary conditions I can attain the potential and the current density J which is a function in the vector function space V_g = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,'cg',1).
Now, is there an easy way to create a new vector function in V_g given by [-Jy,Jx].
I have tried something like: Jhat = Function(V_g)
Jhat.vector()[0->len/2] = -J_y.vector()[:] (from J_x,J_y = J.split(deepcopy=True))
Jhat.vector()[len/2->end] = J_x.vector()[:]
However, I am not sure if this is correct. I think I remember reading somewhere that x,y,z values of a vectorfunction are given after each other which then prompted my above solution...
So the question is two-part: 1. is my attempt correct, 2. if not - how can I do this? :)
I also tried
class Jnew(Expression):
def init(self,Jx,Jy):
self.Jx = Jx
self.Jy = Jy
def eval(self,value,x):
value[0] = (-self.Jy(x[0],x[1]),self.Jx(x[0],x[1]))
def value_shape(self):
return (2,1)
But this creates an rank-error when I try Jhat = interpolate(Jnew(Jx=J_x,Jy=J_y),V_g)
saying that my function is rank 2 and my function space is rank 1... which I somewhat understand...
best regards,