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Row major vs Column major orientation.

0 votes

Hi all,
I've a simple question concerning the Sparsity Pattern of the matrix used in Fenics.
When I do something like

dolfin::parameters["linear_algebra_backend"] = "uBLAS";
dolfin::Matrix A;
boost::tuples::tuple<const std::size_t*, const std::size_t*, const double*, int> t;
t  = ();

How can I know if the matrix is stored with a row major or a column major orientation?

Thanks for your help

asked Oct 6, 2013 by gedeone FEniCS User (1,110 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

In the uBLAS backend we use compressed row storage, so that would be row major.

answered Oct 7, 2013 by johanhake FEniCS Expert (22,480 points)