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C++ version on cluster without python

+2 votes

If I want to use only the C++ version without needing any python, Is there an easier way to installing fenics ?

asked May 7, 2017 by praveen FEniCS User (2,760 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you want to compile from source it is actually not very difficult. I have done it several times, normally following the same recipe used for building the docker containers:

You can remove a lot of the commands in the linked file as it supports Python2 and Python3 and many of the dependencies like numpy etc are just for python support

You probably need at least PETSc, Boost, Eigen, MPI and HDF5 libraries before building dolfin. When you compile dolfin, cmake will check for Python, and I believe it will build just fine without Python (but I have not checked). You will maybe need python installed when building ?? (some of the build scripts are written in Python, but maybe only those related to the Python support, I have not checked), but you do not need python when running (if you have precompiled ufl forms with ffc etc).

answered May 8, 2017 by Tormod Landet FEniCS User (5,130 points)