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Generation of a higher dimensional integral

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Hi everyone, I am trying to generate a linear problem $Ax = b$, where

$$ A = \int f_1 \otimes f_1 $$
$$ b = \int f_2 $$

where $f_1, f_2$ are some vector fields. I am currently assembling each coordinate

A[i,j] = assemble( f_1[i] * f_1[j] * dx )
b[i] = assemble ( f_2[i] * dx ) 

which is of course very slow when I use fine meshes. I would like to formulate this as a variational problem so that the underlying matrix handler (Petsc in my case) does everything faster, but my problem is that it assembly only works on scalar integrals. Is there a trick for this?


closed with the note: I solved the problem and posted the answer in the comments
asked May 3, 2017 by nabarnaf FEniCS User (2,940 points)
closed May 6, 2017 by nabarnaf

what are the FE spaces you're employing for your problem?

Well, only the FunctionSpaces for generating the functions $f_1, f_2$, which are (CG, 2) per coordinate. Each $f$ field has 6 entries, so the general problem consists of a 6x6 matrix A and a vector, 6x1, b. Right now I am using fenics for the integration that happens in each matrix and vector component. After assembling, I simply invert the $A$ matrix with numpy.

** I need fenics because the $f$ functions are a bit complicated, as they consist in the composition of a function which changes in each iteration. This system arrives from a linearized version of an inverse problem.

Do you need strict block structure?

Nope, only to find x given $f_1, f_2$.

Finally I solved the problem as follows: Define the space of constants (6 constants in this case)

el = VectorElement('R', triangle, 0, 6)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, el)
b = Function( V )
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

with this it is enough to write the mentioned forms as

A = dot(f1, u)*dot(f1,v)*dx
L = dot(f2, v)*dx

and finally solve as

solve( A==L, b)

To update a current solution (this problem comes from a Newton-like formulation), do

a += b.vector()

It was as simple as getting the weak formulation of the problem $Ax = b$, which was just seeing the equations as per coordinate. Best regards!
