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Download hangs when running automated build script.

0 votes

According to the following link, running the following automated build script should install FEniCS.

curl -s | bash


The connection hangs when trying to download the following file.

Are there any updated scripts that will accomplish the same task? (Is there any other automated build script that will work? I know about docker, conda, etc, but I specifically want to know about any other automated build scripts similar to this that will actually work.)

asked Apr 28, 2017 by aldenpack FEniCS User (1,450 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Downloading that file works fine for me. However, I have made a change to download this package from GitHub instead, which should be more reliable. You can try again now and see if it works.

Other scripts that I know of is this by Jack S. Hale and this from the fenics-developer-tools repository.

answered Apr 28, 2017 by johannr FEniCS Expert (17,350 points)

Now I get the following errors.

[zlib] tail -f /zhome/apack/.hashdist/tmp/zlib-v6anirfvk2op/_hashdist/build.log

[ERROR] Unhandled Exception in Download: zero length field name in format


[pygments] tail -f /zhome/apack/.hashdist/tmp/pygments-mixgbqkev55j/_hashdist/build.log

[ERROR] Unhandled Exception in Download: zero length field name in format


[pip] tail -f /zhome/apack/.hashdist/tmp/pip-4a54jsf63ysw/_hashdist/build.log

[ERROR] Unhandled Exception in Download: zero length field name in format


[cython] tail -f /zhome/apack/.hashdist/tmp/cython-qshjo6b6sfc2/_hashdist/build.log
[cython|ERROR] Command '[u'/bin/bash', '_hashdist/']' returned non-zero exit status 2
[cython|ERROR] command failed (code=2); raising

Are these detrimental to the installation? How can I verify if FEniCS is installed correctly?

It looks like it failed to build Cython. Can you post /zhome/apack/.hashdist/tmp/cython-qshjo6b6sfc2/_hashdist/build.log somewhere? For example on

Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.
Here is what is in the build.log file

The error is no such option: --no-cache-dir which indicates that it is picking up an old copy of pip. Are you using packages from the host system?

The host system loads older modules on logging in. What modules are necessary to run the automated script?

For a default install, it is assumed that the following packages are installed on a Debian based system (like Ubuntu):

git curl python-dev time build-essential gfortran freeglut3-dev

On other Linux based system, corresponding packages are assumed to be installed.

Are you doing a default install, that is, are you simply running curl -s | bash? Or have you modified the hashdist profile or defined any environment variables like FENICS_INSTALL_USE_HOST_PYTHON=1?
