If I have a mixed problem with a vector (3D) and a scalar field like shown below:
# Define function space for system
mesh = BoxMesh(Point(0.0,0.0,0.0), Point(l,l,l), numElems,numElems,numElems)
P1 = VectorElement('Lagrange', tetrahedron, 1)
P2 = FiniteElement('Lagrange', tetrahedron, 1)
element = MixedElement([P1, P2])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
# Define test functions
v_1, v_2 = TestFunctions(V)
# Define initial conditions
w = Function(V)
w_0 = Expression((('0.2','0.3','0.4'),'0.01'), degree=1)
w_n = project(w_0, V)
How do I declare w_0? I get an error on that line