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Using derivative and solve functions for function that is not a variational statment

0 votes

I am trying to write a solver that recreates the results for a polymer curing setup from here:

The system is two coupled time dependent differential equations that can be solved in the same time loop using an implicit scheme. I can solve the Poison equation like in the examples but I can't solve the one for the polymer curing rate.

I looked at the UFL manual and wrote the implicit scheme like this:

F = alpha - alpha_1 + dt*k_A*exp(-k2/u)*(1-alpha)**n
J = derivative(F, alpha)
solve(F == 0, alpha, J)

To use a Newton method. But when I use the derivative I get on the derivative line: AttributeError: 'Sum' object has no attribute 'arguments'

And without it I get on the solve line:
NotImplementedError: Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'la_solve'.

What do these errors mean? Is it because F is not a variational statement?

The full code is shown below:

from dolfin import *

#Constants (all in SI units)
sf = 1.0e0 #length scale factor (m to cm)

rho = 1200.0/sf/sf/sf    #density
C_p = 1000.0*sf*sf    #specific heat
k   = 0.2/sf     #thermal conductivity
H_r = 5.0e5*sf*sf   #total heat of reaction

k_A = 20.0e3   #frequency factor
E_a = 50.0e3*sf*sf   #activation energy
R   = 8.314*sf*sf   #universal gas constant
n   = 1.4     #order of reaction

l   = 5.0e-3*sf  #length of 1D interval

numElems = 100 #number of finite elements

Q_heat    = 10.0e3 #10 kW/m^2 for one m^2 which is 10 kW of heating power
T_ambient = Expression('20+273.15', degree=2)  #In K!!!

# Get mesh and define function spaces
mesh = IntervalMesh(numElems, 0.0,l)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

class HeatFlux(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and (x[0] > (l-DOLFIN_EPS))

#Initialize sub-domain instances
right = HeatFlux()

# Initialize mesh function for boundary domains
boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
right.mark(boundaries, 1)

ds = Measure("ds")[boundaries]

#Insulation boundary given already and not needed

# Initial condition
u_1 = project(T_ambient, V)

g = Expression('Q_heat', degree=2, Q_heat=Constant(Q_heat))

dt = 1.0      # time step

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

alpha_1 = project(Expression('0.0', degree=2), V)
alpha   = project(Expression('0.0', degree=2), V)

f = (alpha-alpha_1)/dt

a = rho*C_p*u*v*dx + dt*k*inner(nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v))*dx
L = (rho*C_p*u_1 - dt*rho*H_r*f)*v*dx + dt*g*v*ds(1)

A = assemble(a)   # assemble only once, before the time stepping
b = None          # necessary for memory saving assemeble call

# Compute solution
u = Function(V)   # the unknown at a new time level
T = 2.0           # total simulation time: 8 minutes
t = dt

k2 =  E_a/R

while t <= T:
    print 'time = %f' % t
    b = assemble(L, tensor=b)

    #bc.apply(A, b)
    solve(A, u.vector(), b)

    t += dt


    F = alpha - alpha_1 + dt*k_A*exp(-k2/u)*(1-alpha)**n
    J = derivative(F, alpha)
    solve(F == 0, alpha, J)

    f = (alpha-alpha_1)/dt 
    L = (u_1 - dt*rho*H_r*f)*v*dx + g*v*ds(1)


    #uArray = u.vector().array()

plot(u, title="Temperature")
asked Mar 30, 2017 by alexmm FEniCS User (4,240 points)
reshown Apr 2, 2017 by alexmm

1 Answer

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Best answer

I realize I'm rather late, but I just had a similar problem, so here are my 2c:

The error is indeed due to F not being a form. You need to use the weak form of the equation, see e.g. here for an example with the heat equation. Eyeballing it, I'd say you want something like

F = inner(p-alpha_1, q)*dx - dt*inner(k_A*exp(-k2/u)*(1-p)**n, q)*dx
J = derivative(F, p)
solve(F == 0, alpha, J=J)


p = Function(V)
q = TestFunction(V)

Notice that p is a Function.

You should however take this with a huge pinch of salt: I just quickly tried it out and the NewtonSolver doesn't converge, even after reducing the timestep and increasing the number of iterations. This might be because F is just wrong or because of any number of other reasons, see e.g. this answer.

answered Apr 26, 2017 by mdbenito FEniCS User (4,530 points)
selected Apr 26, 2017 by alexmm

Yes you're right that is why it wasn't working. I got it working I can send you the code if you need it

Sure! If it's not too long you can paste it here so anyone coming to this question will see it. Glad it worked :)

Here is the code:

from dolfin import *

#Constants (all in SI units)
rho = 1200.0       #density
C_p = 1000.0       #specific heat
k   = 0.2          #thermal conductivity
H_r = 5.0e5        #total heat of reaction
k_A = 20.0e3       #frequency factor
E_a = 50.0e3       #activation energy
R   = 8.314        #universal gas constant
n   = 1.4          #order of reaction

l      = 5.0e-3    #length of 1D interval
nElems = 100       #number of finite elements
dt     = 1.0       #time step

Q_heat    = 10.0e3 #10 kW/m^2 for one m^2 which is 10 kW of heating power
T_ambient = 20.0+273.15  #In Kelvins

# Get mesh and define function spaces
mesh = IntervalMesh(nElems, 0.0,l)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

class HeatFlux(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and (x[0] > (l-DOLFIN_EPS))

#Initialize sub-domain instances
right = HeatFlux()

# Initialize mesh function for boundary domains
boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
right.mark(boundaries, 1)
ds = ds(subdomain_data = boundaries)

# Initial conditions
u_1     = project(Expression('T_ambient', degree=2, T_ambient=Constant(T_ambient)), V)
alpha_1 = project(Expression('0.0', degree=2), V)

# Boundary condition
g = Expression('Q_heat', degree=2, Q_heat=Constant(Q_heat))

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
alpha = TrialFunction(V)
v_2   = TestFunction(V)

alpha = project(Expression('0.0', degree=2), V)

a = rho*C_p*u*v*dx + dt*k*inner(nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v))*dx
A = assemble(a)   # assemble only once, before the time stepping
b = None          # necessary for memory saving assemeble call

# Compute solution
u  = Function(V)  # the unknown at a new time level
T  = 60.0*1.8     # total simulation time: 8 minutes
t  = 0.0
k2 = E_a/R

while t < T:
    f = (alpha-alpha_1)/dt 
    L = (rho*C_p*u_1 - dt*rho*H_r*f)*v*dx + dt*g*v*ds(1)

    b = assemble(L, tensor=b)
    solve(A, u.vector(), b)

    G = (alpha - alpha_1 - dt*k_A*exp(-k2/u)*(1-alpha)**n)*v_2*dx
    J = derivative(G, alpha)
    solve(G == 0, alpha, J=J)

    t += dt
    print 'time = %f' % t

plot(u,     title="Temperature", range_min=0.0, range_max=700.0)
plot(alpha, title="Alpha",       range_min=0.0, range_max=1.0  )