Like the original poster, I have a 2D domain with holes that I can describe using the CSG primitives Rectangle and Polygon. Since I already have the boundaries as primitives, it would seem natural to use these for defining boundary conditions. My impression is that the way to do this is: first, create a MeshFunction that identifies each boundary, then use the function in the boundary conditions.
I'm having no success in even constructing the function. Based on code provided in previous answer [] I tried constructing a mesh function after setting a subdomain using the inner boundary.
from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
outer = Rectangle(Point(0,0), Point(10,10))
inner = Circle(Point(5,5), 2)
domain = outer - inner
domain.set_subdomain(42, inner)
mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 5)
mf = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 2,
File("mf.xml") << mf
However, the mesh function is identically 0 everywhere. In this simple example, I can just enlarge the inner radius a bit and create a thin shell where the function is non-zero. But this is not going to work as easily in my real case where the inner boundary is a polygon.
Q1. How can I achieve my goal?
Q2. For a boundary condition, should I be using a 1D mesh function instead? I tried changing the third argument of MeshFunction() from "2" to "1", but it was no better. To my surprise, the output function seems to still be defined over triangles -- the cell index number ranges over 0-459, matching the number of mesh triangles . The value is 2^64-1.