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Installation issues on a cluster. No access to the repo.

0 votes

I tried to build it from source on a cluster, but I was denied access to clone from the repo. Is this a temporary issue? Does anyone has a lead on this? Thank you.

asked Mar 9, 2017 by tribe01 FEniCS Novice (120 points)

Please be more specific when asking questions. Which repo is this? What command did you run? What was the error message? Also, questions like these are usually more suitable for the fenics-support mailing list or Slack.

I am sorry for the abstract question. I tried to build the code from source from Bitbucket.

`git clone'

The error is

'Cloning into 'fiat'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.'

I tried the support mailing list but threw 404 error last night. I can access it now. I will try slack as well. Thank you.

Use the https protocol instead:

git clone