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Getting Mshr module in windows

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I am currently using a jupyter contianer in docker to run FEniCS code. However because I am running on a windows 10 PC and not using Ubuntu, I cannot currently import the mshr module.
Is there a work around so that I get mshr?

This is my current error:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
10 from future import print_function
11 from fenics import *
---> 12 from mshr import *
13 import numpy as np

ImportError: No module named 'mshr'

closed with the note: Solved
asked Mar 2, 2017 by mzachritz FEniCS Novice (170 points)
closed Mar 20, 2017 by johannr

Which docker image are you using? Bot the current stable image ( and the development image ( comes with mshr installed.

I have installed the Docker Toolbox version 1.13.1a, but I using the kitematic(alpha) interface and then running the fenics-jupyter-dev-py3 container to run my code in jupyter notebooks. That is where I am getting the above error.
Should I being running my code in the Docker quick start terminal instead?

I couldn't find the fenics-jupyter-dev-py3 image but it looks like mshr is not installed. You need to install mshr or use a different Docker image.

I did figure out how to run the file in the docker terminal and there were no meshr problems.
Thank you for your help.
