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FEniCS on Anaconda

+1 vote


I am trying to use the FEniCS prebuilt Anaconda Python packages on Mac OS X, but I have some problems about plot and ipython:
1) plot does not plot anything
2) ipython can not find the module dolfin
I have installed the matplotlib and ipython via conda-forge.

Does anyone have experience about how to fix the problems?

Thanks a lot,

asked Feb 23, 2017 by xiaozhouli FEniCS Novice (180 points)

Did you import matplotlib.pyplot and have a your plot-call? As far as I know the conda packages are not build with VTK support, but rather matplotlib as default plotting backend.

Thanks for the reminder. After import matplotlib and use, then a plot appears. However, it differents from non-conda version. Of course, it makes sense that if conda packages are not built with VTK support.

1 Answer

0 votes


I was using that configuration also, as you can find in

In the end, I was struggling with other things and not having my things done. I switched to FEniCS on Docker and I totally recommend. You will be able to use the latest version of FEniCS and I guess your life will be easier...

answered Feb 27, 2017 by lhdamiani FEniCS User (2,580 points)

the current Anaconda channel that works is , which does install the latest version of FEniCS

Thanks for your answer. I am also using the FEniCS on Docker. I just want to figure out which one will be a easier/good choice to use FEniCS, so I give a try of anaconda version when I find the new install option on If anaconda version works as good as docker, I probably will make a switch since I mainly use the python environment provided by anaconda.
