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Hi, I installed dolfin-adjoint package on Ubuntu14.04 with python2.7.
When I'm running a simple code with this method

 from dolfin import *
 from dolfin_adjoint import *

It yields the error:

 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dolfin_adjoint/", line 6, in <module>
     backend_assemble_multimesh = backend.assemble_multimesh
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'assemble_multimesh'

What's the reason of that?

asked Feb 1, 2017 by Djulus.Ivanov FEniCS Novice (180 points)

Which version of FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint are you using? The script you are using is made for the latest version, which might not be available for your version of Ubuntu (depending on how you installed FEniCS and dofin-adjoint).

Hi, I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 and using FEniCS 1.6.0. Here more details:

ii  dolfin-bin                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  dolfin-doc                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  fenics                          1:
ii  libdolfin-dev                   1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
rc  libdolfin1.2                    1.2.0-1~ppa1~quantal1
rc  libdolfin1.3                    1.3.0+dfsg-2~ppa2~saucy1
rc  libdolfin1.4                    1.4.0+dfsg-2~ppa2~saucy1
rc  libdolfin1.5                    1.5.0+dfsg-1~ppa3~trusty1
ii  libdolfin1.6                    1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  libmshr-dev                     1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty3
rc  libmshr1.5                      1.5.0-1~ppa2~trusty1
ii  libmshr1.6                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty3
ii  mshr-demos                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty3
ii  python-dolfin                   1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-ffc                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-fiat                     1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-instant                  1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-mshr                     1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty3
ii  python-petsc4py                 3.4-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-ufl                      1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-ufl-doc                  1.6.0-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  python-uflacs                   1.6.0+dfsg-1~ppa1~trusty1
ii  swig3.0                         3.0.5-1~ppa1~trusty1

For both FEniCS and dolfin-ajoint, I installed their binary packages by console as it's said in the websites.

Thanks. Unfortunately, only FEniCS version 1.6 is packaged for Ubuntu 14.04. If possible, you might consider upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04, which has packages for the latest FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint version (2016.2). If you are stuck on Ubuntu 14.04, your alternatives are to use the Docker images or build from source to get the latest stable version. Another option is to continue with FEniCS 1.6 and install dolfin-adjoint 1.6 from source (see

Thanks a lot! I'll try to install older version of dolfin-adjoint.

Oh, I see. My apologize, didn't mention or rather didn't read properly this
