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How to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a stress or strain tensor at an element level ?

+1 vote
asked Jan 30, 2017 by kaushikv123 FEniCS Novice (390 points)

Hi, do you mean as ufl operators so that you can use these in your forms?

I mean are there ufl operators which i can use to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of stress and strain, else how would I do it ?

There are no such operators, but see here.

Thank you. I will try this out and also explicitly write out modules for eigenvectors.

I have implemented the code for eigenvectors but i think i am making an error in the output format that i need to give for a vector in Fenics. I haven't been able to find how to do it. I will appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance and here is the sample code below:

from dolfin import *
from sympy import Matrix
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1, 1)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
u = interpolate(Expression(('x[0]', 'x[0]*x[1]'), degree=2), V)

F = Identity(2) + grad(u)
C = F*F.T

# Eigenvalues are roots of characteristic polynomial
# e**2 - tr(A)*e + det(A) = 0
def eig_plus(A): 
    return (tr(A) + sqrt(tr(A)**2-4*det(A)))/2
def eig_minus(A): 
    return (tr(A) - sqrt(tr(A)**2-4*det(A)))/2
def eig_vecmat(A):
    lambdap = eig_plus(A)
    lambdan = eig_minus(A)
    a = A[0,0]
    b = A[0,1]
    c = A[1,0]
    d = A[1,1]
    if c != 0:
       Eigvecmat = [[lambdap-d,lambdan-d],[c,c]]
    elif b != 0:
         Eigvecmat = [[b,b],[lambdap-a,lambdan-a]]
    elif b == 0 & c == 0:
         Eigvecmat = [[1,0],[0,1]]    
    return Eigvecmat
# Check
S = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
T = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
f0 = project(eig_vecmat(C),T) 

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi, the following shows the steps needed to define the operator (note that I didn't implement the full conditional part of your definition). Also the equality comparisons might fail with floats.

def eig_vecmat(A):
    lambdap = eig_plus(A)
    lambdan = eig_minus(A)
    a = A[0,0]
    b = A[0,1]
    c = A[1,0]
    d = A[1,1]

    return conditional(ne(c, 0),
                       as_matrix(((lambdap-d,lambdan-d), (c,c))),
                       conditional(ne(b, 0),
                                   as_matrix(((b,b), (lambdap-a,lambdan-a))),
answered Feb 1, 2017 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)
selected Feb 5, 2017 by kaushikv123

Thanks Mirok. I will add to this script that you gave me.
