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Problem with "Run FEniCS in a Docker container like an application"

0 votes

Just installed FEniCS/docker (on Windows 8.1 if that helps). I am working through the FEniCS suggested workflows page, and have gotten everything to work so far. However I'm now stumped at the Run FEniCS like an application section, as I confused by the section saying

The second issue, that the above is cumbersome to write out, can be solved simply using a shell script. You might want to try putting the following code:

docker volume create --name instant-cache > /dev/null 2>&1
docker run --rm -v instant-cache:/home/fenics/.instant -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared "$@"

into a file fenics somewhere in your ${PATH} and making it executable chmod +x fenics. Then you can simply run:

I guess I am confused by the lingo used here, but how exactly do you write a shell script, and make it "executable chmod +x fenics"? Can someone provide some more idiot-proof instructions/explanation on what's going on here, or link me to some resources that will let me figure out what they're saying (ideally without needing three degrees in computer science)?

Sorry for what is probably a really silly question, but I am very new to this kind of environment. Thank you all for your help

asked Jan 28, 2017 by phi1123 FEniCS Novice (120 points)