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Changing volume of a cell / MeshEditor problems

0 votes


I'm trying to change the volume of a cell on a 1D mesh. Is there any easy/straightforward way to do it?

By creating a IntervalMesh I'll get all the cells with the same volume according to the number of cell and the size of the domain and that's not what I want....

By creating a mesh manually, I can assign the vertex and the cell as:

mesh = Mesh(), 'interval', 1, 1)

vert_id = 0
cell_id = 0
dist = 5.40118317e-8/10
total = 0.0
for i in range(37039):
    editor.add_vertex(vert_id, total)
    total += dist
    vert_id += 1

editor.add_cell(0, 0, 18514)
editor.add_cell(1, 18514,18515)
editor.add_cell(2, 18515,18516)
editor.add_cell(3, 18516,18517)
editor.add_cell(4, 18517,18518)
editor.add_cell(5, 18518,18519)
editor.add_cell(6, 18519,18520)
editor.add_cell(7, 18520,18521)
editor.add_cell(8, 18521,18522)
editor.add_cell(9, 18522,18523)
editor.add_cell(10, 18523,18524)

but then, while generating my FunctionSpace:

element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
finiteElementProductSpace = element
for i in range(numberOfSolutes-1):
    finiteElementProductSpace *= element

# Generating the finite element function space
ME = FunctionSpace(mesh, finiteElementProductSpace)

I get an error:

*** Error:   Unable to compute index of mesh entity.
*** Reason:  Mesh entity was not found.
*** Where:   This error was encountered inside MeshEntity.cpp.

By the documentation on the mesh class it says that by calling mesh.init() all entities would be created. Is it a problem related to the definition of topology and geometry of the generated mesh? Since my idea is to build a similar IntervalMesh, I copied the topology and geometry dimensions from it when opening the editor...

Can someone point out what i'm missing here?

Thanks in advance for the help!

closed with the note: Solved by using Gmsh and Dolfin-converter.
asked Jan 23, 2017 by lhdamiani FEniCS User (2,580 points)
closed Jan 30, 2017 by lhdamiani

1 Answer

0 votes

A few questions:

  • At which line specifically does the error occur?
  • Are you running both sets of code in the same script?

Also, looking at the documentation for MeshEditor (at, adding cells in 1D may require the indices to be in numpy array form e.g.

import numpy as np
editor.add_cell(1, np.array([18514]),np.array([18515]))
answered Jan 29, 2017 by SM FEniCS Novice (630 points)


Thanks for your comment! I find my way around it by using Gmsh ( and dolfin-converter to convert it to dolfin format and then I imported it....

Regarding your points: I quickly tried the array thing as you suggested but the error was still there.. and the error was on the line where I generated the FunctionSpace...

Thanks anyway!
