Hi all,
For domain decompositon, I want to use the Result "U0", which is a Function in a mixed functionsspace "W", of a previous iteration as DirichletBC for the computation of "U1" (the next iteration), something like:
bcs = DirichletBC(W, U0, boundaries, 2)
problem = LinearVariationalProblem(L1, R1, U1, bcs)
# ... solve with MUMPS
This works FINE IN SERIAL but NOT IN PARALLEL, where the solution looks weird, maybe due to a wrong dof-distibution during the automatical applying of the BC? Is there any special usage of DirichletBC in parallel to solve this issue?
I have found the DirichletBC-options "gather()" in DOLFIN 1.3.0, which doesn't exists anymore and "get_boundary_values()", but don't know how to use them if they could fix my problem.
I'm thankful about any hint or workaround to solve this issue, because I'm realy dependent on parallel computation due to very large problems.