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Putting unknowns in user defined expressions

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I am solving a registration problem where the displacemente field appears in an image argument: T( x + u(x) ), which makes a nonlinear term appear in the formulation. I am solving it with a Newton method (at the algebraic level, as the documentation once said) and the forms definition are VERY slow, and also don't allow for a parallel implementation. I attach the relevant piece of code, and would greatly thank any kind of help.

First load the images into the problem instance:

    image_R = self.R
    image_T = self.T
    image_dT= self.dT
    image_HT = self.HT
    element = V.ufl_element()

Here define the new expressions which incorporate the displacement

    class scalarExpression(Expression):
        def __init__(self, im, element, u = Expression(("0.","0."), degree = 0)):
   = im
            self.element = element
            self.u = u
        def eval(self, value,x):
            value[0] = + self.u(x))
    class vectorExpression(Expression):
        def __init__(self, im, element, u = Expression(("0.","0."), degree = 0)):
   = im
            self.element = element
            self.u = u
        def eval(self, value, x):
            value[0] =[0](x+self.u(x))
            value[1] =[1](x+self.u(x))
    class tensorExpression(Expression):
        def __init__(self, im, element, u = Expression(("0.","0."), degree = 0)):
   = im
            self.element = element
            self.u = u
        def eval(self, value, x):
            value[0] =[0][0](x+self.u(x))
            value[1] =[0][1](x+self.u(x))
            value[2] =[1][0](x+self.u(x))
            value[3] =[1][1](x+self.u(x))

Now define functionals which will give the expressions in every iteration

    gen_T = lambda u: scalarExpression(im = image_T, 
                                       element = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), N), u = u)
    gen_dT = lambda u: vectorExpression(im = image_dT,
                                        element = VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), N), u = u)
    gen_HT = lambda u: tensorExpression(im = image_HT,
                                        element = TensorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), N), u = u)

The image R won't need to be updated

    R = scalarExpression(im = image_R, element = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), N))
    T = gen_T(u0)
    dT = gen_dT(u0)
    HT = gen_HT(u0)

Solve a linearized version for initial guess

    a = (inner( self.C(eps(du_n)), eps(v) ) + 
            self.alpha*( (R-T)*dot(du_n, dot(HT,v)) - dot(dT,v)*dot(dT,du_n) ) )*dx
    f = dot(Constant((0.,0.)),v)*dx
    solve(a == f, u_n, solver_parameters = self.solver_params)
    it, error = 0, 1.
    du = u_n.copy()
    print "Begin iterations"
    while error > tol and it < maxiter: 
        print it, error
        T, dT, HT = gen_T(u_n), gen_dT(u_n), gen_HT(u_n)
        a = ( inner(C(eps(du_n)),eps(v)) + 
                self.alpha*(-dot(dT, v)*dot(dT, du_n) + (R - T)*dot(du_n, dot(HT, v))) )*dx
        f = -( inner(C(eps(u_n)), eps(v)) - self.alpha*(R - T)*dot(dT, v) )*dx
        solve( a == f, du, solver_parameters = self.solver_params)
        it += 1
        error = norm(du, mesh = mesh)
        u_n.assign(du + u_n)
    print "End"

Note: the images I defined are python callables or lists of callables depending on the dimensions. Also, if a natural way of incorporation function composition were possible, I would just use the nonlinear solver and save all the trouble. This is only possible with functions such as log, exp, etc (it is shown in the neo-hookean example) but not with expressions.

asked Dec 24, 2016 by nabarnaf FEniCS User (2,940 points)

Do you realy need the lambda function for "u" in combination with your user-defined expressions? I think that's why it may be VERY slow. Why is it not possible to just set something like this, e.g. for gen_T:

gen_T = scalarExpression(im = image_T, element = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), N), u = u_n),

where u_n is some updated value for u(n)?

I think this may also solve the problem of parallelization, because every of my user-defined expressions which are quite similar to your scalarExpression or vectorExpression work in parallel and are fast.

Excuse me, should have been a comment, no answear...

Hi RR,

I am not really aware of the difference between using or not using the lambdas, but I don't think it has much of an impact. The real problem is the implementation of the evaluation of the expressions, as they require the entire image. Another solution would be to generate the images as expressions, but then running the code with MPI would generate a domain decomposition and thus evaluate the functions outside the current threads's domain (ok not threads but I forgot the name). The problems are:
- Evaluation at python level: very slow, would be much better to handle compositions through UFL or something similar
- Although I didn't address this here, it is not very scalable, as every process would handle the entire image.
