The 'problem' you observe is probably caused by the way the data is structured in vtk rather than a mistake in your computation. To each .vtk field you produce, a label is assigned. These labels should be the same if you store multiple .vtk files of a time-dependent variable. This exactly, is where it goes wrong if you use a copy of your code in a time loop, since 'ens' is considered to be a different variable every time instance and hence, the .vtk fields you produce are labeled differently every time step.
To clarify this somewhat abstract story, consider the following minimal working example (including a work-around --> Option 2!):
from dolfin import *
nx = 20; ny = 20;
mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(-1,-1),Point(1,1),nx, ny,"crossed")
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)
# Define a velocity field
' U*exp(-2*nu*pow(pi,2)*t)*(cos(pi*(x[1]))*sin(pi*(x[0])))')
curlvtk = Function(V)
vtkplot = File('vorticity.pvd')
# Then do some arbitrary time stepping
for t in range(10):
u00 = Expression(U_exact, degree=3, U=float(1.), \
uh = interpolate(u00, V)
# Compute curl
curlu = curl(uh)
# Project and assign to func
curlup = project(curlu)
# Option 1: does produce .vtk files with different labels,
# reproducing your issue
# vtkplot << curlup
# Option 2: each .vtk file has the same label!
vtkplot << curlvtk