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Using Tecplot

+1 vote

Are there any methods to export solutions to a format which can be converted to Tecplot? I suspect the answer is no, after a few hours of trying conversion paths for the various output formats (xdmf, xml, vtk, xyz, svg).

I can open the data in ParaView just fine, but that doesn't help with converting it into a format which Tecplot can view.

I can write my out output for Tecplot, that's not a big deal, I just want to check first.

For what its worth, the reason I want to use Tecplot is to export a vectorized surface plot for a tex document. Paraview fails to export these for me, rendering a simple grey surface.

asked Sep 10, 2013 by Charles FEniCS User (4,220 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

There is no Tecplot output support. It was removed a long time ago because the FEniCS developers no longer use Tecplot or have access to it.

For vectorised output, you can try the latest version of ParaView or use MayaVi (

answered Sep 11, 2013 by Garth N. Wells FEniCS Expert (35,930 points)
selected Sep 11, 2013 by Charles

Could support for CGNS possibly be added?

The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general, portable,
and extensible standard for the storage and retrieval of computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis data. It consists of a collection of
conventions, and free and open software implementing those
conventions. It is self-descriptive, machine-independent,
well-documented, and administered by an international steering
committee. It is also an American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA) Recommended Practice.

As an aside, do you know of a way to get a fully vectorized plot of my solution on a mesh? ParaView will only plot the surface if it rasterizes (otherwise its all grey). I will try MayaVi, thank you.

Thank you

If you would like a new output format to be supported, propose it for discussion on the mailing list.

Is Mayavi not free? It appears to be marked as free, but I keep hitting a wall asking for a subscription.

To follow up, it is free with a .edu e-mail
