Hello everybody, I face the problem that a mesh moved via ALE.move does not match the new boundaries if the new mesh was created using the mshr-module (inspite of having the same number of nodes at the boundary).
from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
geom = Rectangle(Point(1, 1), Point(3, 3))
bmesh = generate_mesh(geom2,4)
bmesh = BoundaryMesh(bmesh, 'exterior')
ALE.move(mesh, bmesh)
Moreover, the moved mesh looks somehow distorted. I would be very glad if anyone has an idea how I can circumvent this problem. Interpolation of the new boundaries (or the whole domain) to the function space, e.g.
u = interpolate(Expression(''), V)
followed by
ALE.move(mesh, u)
is not a valid option for generally bounded domains I'm working on.
Thanks a lot and Best Regards