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Square root of a function, or the associated vector, in C++

0 votes

I have computed a complex solution with the help of a mixed formulation space, i.e. I have a function $p$ in the space $W$, where

V = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 1)
W = V*V

The two components of $p$ represent real and imaginary part respectively, and I would now compute the modulus on my solution $$\left| p\right| = \sqrt{p_{real}^2 +p_{imag}^2}.$$

So far I have been able to compute $p_{real}^2 +p_{imag}^2$ via the code

Function modulus1(W->sub(0)->collapse());
Function modulus2(W->sub(0)->collapse());
Function modulus(W->sub(0)->collapse());

*modulus1.vector() =  *p_real.vector();
*modulus1.vector() *= *p_real.vector();
*modulus2.vector() =  *p_imag.vector();
*modulus2.vector() *= *p_imag.vector();

*modulus.vector() =  *modulus1.vector();
*modulus.vector() += *modulus2.vector();

but I still have to calculate the square root of modulus.

I tried accessing every element in modulus with a for loop, but it seems like the operator [] is not implemented.

asked Oct 24, 2016 by anfneub FEniCS Novice (580 points)
edited Oct 24, 2016 by anfneub

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi, for PETSc vector you could use VecPow, see here.

answered Oct 24, 2016 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)
selected Oct 25, 2016 by anfneub

Hi, thank you for your answer!

That's what I am looking for, so I did a test with

*modulus.vector() = *p_real.vector();
PetscErrorCode VecPow(*modulus1.vector(), 2.0);

but I get a warning saying

warning: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
PetscErrorCode VecPow(*modulus1.vector(), 2.0);

and there is no change in my vector modulus1.

So, how can I convert a std::shared_ptr to a dolfin::PETScVector?

Here I found a very old mail archive with the suggestion

//if x is a GenericVector, then

PETScVector* xx = dynamic_cast<PETScVector*>(&x);
if (xx == 0) {error("Not a PETSc Vector.");}

So I tried with

PETScVector* vv = dynamic_cast<PETScVector*>(&modulus);

but the warning I get is quite eloquent:

warning: dynamic_cast of ‘dolfin::Function modulus’ to ‘class dolfin::PETScVector*’ 
can never succeed

Even trying

PETScVector* vv = dynamic_cast<PETScVector*>(&modulus.vector());

leads to the error

error: cannot dynamic_cast ‘& dolfin::Function::vector()()’ (of type ‘class 
std::shared_ptr<dolfin::GenericVector>*’) to type ‘class dolfin::PETScVector*’ 
(source type is not polymorphic)

Try doing as shown here.

Yup, running

auto test = as_type<PETScVector>(*modulus.vector()).vec();
VecPow(test, 0.5);

succesfully changed the elements of modulus to their square root.

Thank you for your help.
