I have posted this question as a bug, apparently it was not. I was looking to resent changes on numbering, I would like to understand it's connection with the following test:
I am trying to assemble the following form:
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 1)
u = TrialFunction(element)
v = TestFunction(element)
F = as_vector([1, 1])
a = inner(F,grad(u)) * v * dx
Then in C++ file I call:
UnitSquare mesh(1, 1);
Test::FunctionSpace V(mesh);
Test::BilinearForm a(V, V);
Matrix A;
assemble(A, a);
info(A, true);
With dolfin-1.2.0 I get:
row 0: (0, 0) (1, 0.166667) (2, -0.166667)
row 1: (0, 0) (1, 0.333333) (2, -0.333333) (3, 0)
row 2: (0, 0) (1, 0.333333) (2, -0.333333) (3, 0)
row 3: (1, 0.166667) (2, -0.166667) (3, 0)
while with dolfin-1.0.0+ I get:
row 0: (0, -0.333333) (1, 0) (2, 0) (3, 0.333333)
row 1: (0, -0.166667) (1, 0) (3, 0.166667)
row 2: (0, -0.166667) (2, 0) (3, 0.166667)
row 3: (0, -0.333333) (1, 0) (2, 0) (3, 0.333333)
It is not clear to me what is going on. The first matrix is singular and has zero entities and completely different than the second one.
Can someone clarify what is going on?