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What do FEniCS developers gain from creating this open-source platform?

+2 votes

FEniCS is huge in the open-source community. Apart from doing it for their interest in computational science, what are the reasons that motivate already successful researchers/ academicians to work on FEniCS development. What motivates them to use their time for creating tutorials, answering so many questions and for improving FEniCS and associated applications for free? Is it the learning experience? Funding/ Collaboration opportunities? Is there a larger picture here? Are they against commercial softwares?

asked Oct 7, 2016 by Nikita FEniCS Novice (410 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

FEniCS is no different from other open source projects or
science in general, I think. The general idea is to do something
novel and well that hopefully is appreciated by others. Of course, it helps
that some things are more convenient to do in FEniCS than in commercial packages.

answered Oct 7, 2016 by Kent-Andre Mardal FEniCS Expert (14,380 points)

It's highly appreciated. It's just that this is the first open source platform I have ever used, and thus was wondering about it.
