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Installing and Compiling FEniCS via C++ on Ubuntu 16.04 Issue

0 votes

Alright so I have installed FEniCS on my Ubuntu 16.04 OS.

I intend to use it with C++ and as a consequence, I wanted to start by working some of the demos like the Poisson equation given on your website.

For a full yet not too detailed an explanation, please refer to my question (neatly) posted on the following,

*The only reason why I did not repost this in here is because whenever I do, I get the following error: "Maximum length is 8000 characters" *

I hope you could assist me as soon as possible, thank you !

asked Sep 30, 2016 by eds101 FEniCS Novice (250 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

It seems you are trying to build examples from version 1.4.0, but you have installed a more recent version with ppa (I guess 2016.1.0). Please use version 2016.1.0 also for the tutorials.


answered Oct 1, 2016 by francesco.ballarin FEniCS User (4,070 points)
selected Oct 1, 2016 by eds101

Thank you Francesco,

I have already moved my post from askubuntu to stackoverflow (due to the more number of users). Anyway I wanted to give you credit for your correct answer and so I mentioned your account name back there. If you indeed have an account there (on stackoverflow) please feel free to edit and include your username.

The link is:

Have a good day sir ! !
