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Dolfin - Generation of form files failed for tests, bench, demos

0 votes

I am trying to build a local installation of Dolfin. The other packages I have in my local directory are dijitso, eigen, ffc, fiat, instant, ply, and ufl. Okay, then I proceeded to the dolfin directory, and typed

mkdir build
mkdir local
cd build
cmake $PWD/.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../local

This gives the error

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:946 (message):
Generation of form files failed:

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I looked in the CMakeLists.txt and noticed that it occurs when building demos, and specifically that no header files are generated for the demos. I have no idea why that would be though, and poked through the CMakeOutput.log file, but couldn't really make sense of what it meant.

closed with the note: Please use the fenics-support mailing list for these types of questions
asked Sep 26, 2016 by ben.s.southworth FEniCS Novice (200 points)
closed Sep 27, 2016 by johannr