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Problem with dirichlet boundary conditions

–4 votes

I am using fenics to solve a linear elastic problem with dirichlet boundary conditions.

I want to mimimize the functionnal :

integral_omega (grad(u) -grad(ud):B:grad(u) -grad(ud))

under the condition div (Bgrad(u)) =0 et u=0 on the bottom and u=u0 on the top.

The solution u obtained does not satisfy the top dirichlet boundary condition.

When I solve the problem :
div (Bgrad(u)) =0 et u=0 on the bottom and u=u0 on the top.
The solution ud seems good.

And I need your help.....


1. Import dependencies

from dolfin import *
from petsc4py import *

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import time
import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nb

import math

start = time.clock()



2. Model set up:

load mesh and define function spaces for u

mesh_f = Mesh("../Composite_Gmsh/composite_g.xml.gz")
subdomains_f = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh_f, "../Composite_Gmsh/composite_g_physical_region.xml")
boundaries_f = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh_f, "../Composite_Gmsh/composite_g_facet_region.xml")
Vu = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'Lagrange', 1)

Vu2 = Vu*Vu

Vu2 = MixedFunctionSpace([Vu,Vu])

Va = FunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'DG', 0)

Stress space

Project and write stress field to post-processing file

VS = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'DG', 0)

load mesh and define function spaces for a

mesh_g = Mesh("../Composite_Gmsh/composite_f.xml.gz")
subdomains_g = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh_g, "../Composite_Gmsh/composite_f_physical_region.xml")
boundaries_g = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh_g, "../Composite_Gmsh/composite_f_facet_region.xml")
Wu = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_g, 'Lagrange', 1)
Wa = FunctionSpace(mesh_g, 'DG', 0)

Stress space

Project and write stress field to post-processing file

WS = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh_g, 'DG', 0)

The true and inverted parameter

Elasticity parameters

E1 = 1.0e9
nu1 = 0.3
G1 = E1/(2.0(1.0 + nu1))
K1 = E1/(3.0
(1.0 - 2.0nu1))
E2 = 5.0e9
nu2 = 0.3
G2 = E2/(2.0
(1.0 + nu2))
K2 = E2/(3.0(1.0 - 2.0nu2))

Ktrue = Function(Va)
Gtrue = Function(Va)
K_values = [K1, K2] # values of k in the two subdomain
help = np.asarray(subdomains_f.array(), dtype=np.int32)
Ktrue.vector()[:] = np.choose(help, K_values)
K = interpolate(Expression("2.0e9"),Va)

K = Ktrue

K_g = project(K,Wa)
G_values = [G1, G2] # values of k in the two subdomain
help = np.asarray(subdomains_f.array(), dtype=np.int32)
Gtrue.vector()[:] = np.choose(help, G_values)
G = interpolate(Expression("2.0e9"),Va)

G = Gtrue

G_g = project(G,Wa)

Stress computation

def sigma(v):
gdim = v.geometric_dimension()
return (3.0K-2.0G)/3.0 * tr(sym(grad(v)))Identity(gdim) + 2.0G * sym(grad(v))

Stress computation

def sigma_g(v):
gdim = v.geometric_dimension()
return (3.0K_g-2.0G_g)/3.0 * tr(sym(grad(v)))Identity(gdim) + 2.0G_g * sym(grad(v))

Stress computation

def sigma_true(v):
gdim = v.geometric_dimension()
return (3.0Ktrue-2.0Gtrue)/3.0 * tr(sym(grad(v)))Identity(gdim) + 2.0Gtrue * sym(grad(v))

define function for state and adjoint

u = Function(Vu)
p = Function(Vu)
utrue = Function(Vu)
ptrue = Function(Vu)

define Trial and Test Functions

t_trial = TrialFunction(Vu2)
t_test = TestFunction(Vu2)
K_trial = TrialFunction(Va)
G_trial = TrialFunction(Va)

initialize input functions

f = Constant((0.0, 0.0))
u0 = Constant((0.0, 0.3))
u00 = Constant((0.0, 0.0))


nb.plot(mesh_g,subplot_loc=121, mytitle="Mesh", show_axis='on')
nb.plot(Ktrue,subplot_loc=122, mytitle="True parameter field")

set up dirichlet boundary conditions

bc_state_1 = DirichletBC(Vu2.sub(0), u0, boundaries_f, 2)
bc_state_2 = DirichletBC(Vu2.sub(0), u00, boundaries_f, 1)
bc_adj_1 = DirichletBC(Vu2.sub(1), u00, boundaries_f, 2)
bc_adj_2 = DirichletBC(Vu2.sub(1), u00, boundaries_f, 1)
bcs = [bc_state_1, bc_state_2, bc_adj_1, bc_adj_2]

bcs = [bc_state_2, bc_adj_1, bc_adj_2]

3. Set up synthetic observations:

ut_trial = TrialFunction(Vu)
ut_test = TestFunction(Vu)
bc_1 = DirichletBC(Vu, u0, boundaries_f, 2)
bc_2 = DirichletBC(Vu, u00, boundaries_f, 1)

weak form for setting up the synthetic observations

at_goal = inner( sigma_true(ut_trial), grad(ut_test)) * dx
Lt_goal = inner(f, ut_test) * dx

solve the forward/state problem to generate synthetic observations

goalt_A, goalt_b = assemble_system(at_goal, Lt_goal, [bc_1, bc_2])

utrue = Function(Vu)
solve(goalt_A, utrue.vector(), goalt_b)

ud = Function(Vu)

ud_g = project(ud, Wu)


nb.plot(Ktrue,subplot_loc=121, mytitle="K_ini", vmin=Ktrue.vector().min(), vmax=Ktrue.vector().max())
nb.plot(utrue,subplot_loc=122, mytitle="u(a_ini)")

4. Solving the global system

define parameters for the optimization

tol = 1e-4
maxiter = 500

initialize iter counters

iter = 1
converged = False


K_prev = Function(Va)
G_prev = Function(Va)
K_prev_g = Function(Wa)
G_prev_g = Function(Wa)
u_prev = Function(Vu)

a1 = Function(Wa)
a2 = Function(Wa)

grad_u_g = grad(ud_g)

print "Nit Norme(a - aprec)"


m = inner(grad(u_trial), grad(u_test))dx + inner(grad(p_trial), grad(p_test))dx
L_goal = dot(f, p_test) * dx + inner( sigma(ud), grad(u_test)) * dx
(M, _) = assemble_system(m, L_goal, bcs)

4. 1st step on inverse problem

weak form for setting up the synthetic observations

A_goal = inner( sigma(u_trial), sym(grad(p_test))) * dx + inner( sigma(u_trial), sym(grad(u_test))) * dx + inner( sigma(p_trial), sym(grad(u_test))) * dx
L_goal = dot(f, p_test) * dx + inner( sigma(ud), sym(grad(u_test))) * dx

solve the forward/state problem to generate synthetic observations

goal_A, goal_L = assemble_system(A_goal, L_goal, bcs)

usol = Function(Vu2)

fenics iterative solve

solver = KrylovSolver("tfqmr", "amg")
solver.set_operators(goal_A, M)
solver.solve(usol.vector(), goal_L)

(u, p) = usol.split(deepcopy=True)

solve minimization on a

u_g = project(u, Wu)


asked Sep 3, 2016 by stephanepa FEniCS Novice (350 points)
edited Sep 3, 2016 by stephanepa