I am trying to implement a FEM-FCT algorithm for solving a transport equation for a special purpose. Source of the algorithm: http://www.mathematik.uni-dortmund.de/~kuzmin/linfct.pdf
My specific problem is, that I have a known Matrix $K_{ij}$ and I have to assemble a new matrix $D_{ij}$ using components of $K_{ij}$ the following way:
Is there a efficient/easy way to do this?
I have found a dirty way to achieve it, using the set command. But I guess it is slow and it also seems that there is a bug:
I write blocks of components into the new matrix. It is working for a 3x3 block, while it produces an error for others, like 4x4. This seems to me like it is not working as intended? (See code below.)
from fenics import *
import numpy as np
import os
mesh=RectangleMesh(Point(0,0), Point(1, 1), 1, 1, "right/left")
dA = Measure("ds", domain=mesh)
dV = Measure("dx", domain=mesh)
ScalarSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)
VectorSpace = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)
test_rho = TestFunction(ScalarSpace)
delta_rho = TrialFunction(ScalarSpace)
v_g_exp = Expression(('1.0','0.0'),degree=2, domain=mesh)
v_g = interpolate(v_g_exp, VectorSpace)
#################### K and D matrix ###########################
k_form = div(delta_rho*v_g)*test_rho*dV
K = assemble(k_form)
D = assemble(k_form)
print K.array()
#################### working #################################
print D
block = np.ones(9,dtype=np.float_)
print block
rows = np.array([0,1,2],dtype=np.intc)
print rows
cols = np.array([0,1,2],dtype=np.intc)
print cols
print D.array()
#################### not working ############################
print D
block = np.ones(16,dtype=np.float_)
print block
rows = np.array([0,1,2,3],dtype=np.intc)
print rows
cols = np.array([0,1,2,3],dtype=np.intc)
print cols
print D.array()
(3. How will this react regarding a potential future parallelization?)
Similar question was asked here: https://fenicsproject.org/qa/9017/fem-fct-artificial-diffusion-matrix-construction