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How to derive 4th order tensor component by component at each node and assemble it to form a tensorfunction in the mesh?

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Hi all,
I am now trying to solve a nonlinear hyperelasticity problem with complicated constitutive relations. So I have to derive the Jacobian of F myself, and take derivative of stress S with respect to strain E manually to find each component of the 4th order tensor C at each node and. I have shown how I compute each component of C at each node in the following code. The question is how to assemble each component of C to a 4th order tensor and make it a tensor function throughout the whole mesh?
Any help would be appreciated!

#u is the displacement field

#deformation gradient 
def Fmat(u):
  d = u.geometric_dimension()
  I = Identity(d)             
  F = I + grad(u)            
  return F

# strain tensor E
def Emat(u):
  d = u.geometric_dimension()
  I = Identity(d)             
  F = Fmat(u) 
  return 0.5*(F.T*F - I)

# fourth order tensor Cijkl
def C_fourth_order(u, mesh):
    E = Emat(u)
    E11 = project(E[0,0],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    E11 = E11.vector().array()

    E22=project(E[1,1],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    E22 = E22.vector().array()

    E33=project(E[2,2],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

    E12 = project(E[0,1],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    E12 = E12.vector().array()

    E13 = project(E[0,2],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    E13 = E13.vector().array()

    E23 = project(E[1,2],FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    E23 = E23.vector().array()

    # weight and points are used for gauss integration
    weight = [0.5688888888888889, 0.4786286704993665,0.4786286704993665,0.2369268850561891,0.3478548451374538]
    points = [0.0000000000000000,-0.5384693101056831,0.5384693101056831,-0.9061798459386640,0.9061798459386640]

    # example of how I compute component C1111= dS11/dE11 of 4th order tensor Cijkl.
    # Final11() is a function of integration, it needs components of strain Eij at each node to compute Cijkl at that node 
    # I am not clever, so I just use a list to store the component C1111 at all the nodes  
    C_1111 = []
    for n  in range(0,len(E11)):
        total = 0
        for i in range(0,len(weight)):
            for j in range(0,len(weight)):
                for k in range(0,len(weight)):
                       total = total + pi/24*pi*pi/2*weight[i]*weight[j]*weight[k]*Final11(points[i],points[j],points[k],E11[n],E22[n],E33[n],E12[n],E13[n],E23[n],'11')

So I just stuck here, I can compute the other components of Cijkl correspondingly, but how to form a tensor function is a problem for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

asked Aug 16, 2016 by cexi FEniCS Novice (120 points)

Hi, can you give details of Final11?

Thank you for your comment. Since the function "Final11" is a little complex, I have simplified it and provide it below:

def Final11(zbar,ybar,xbar,E11,E22,E33,E12,E13,E23,string):
      if string == '11':
              upper = E11*zbar+ E22*ybar + E33*xbar - E12*E13*E23
              inexp = lambda x: 1/2*exp(2-x)**2/5
              return integrate.quad(inexp,0,upper)[0]
              print "error!!!"