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MCA inlet velocity profile

0 votes


I'm trying to implement a MCA velocity profile as inlet for cerebral aneurysm and I have an error in the following piece of code:

assemble(inner(InflowExpression(),m)*ds(2), inflow_profile.vector(), boundaries)

Throws-> TypeError: cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence

Can you help me to understand and resolve this issue? The complete code is bellow:

class InflowExpression(Expression):

 def __init__(self):

def eval(self, value, data):
    value[0] = -data.normal().x()
    value[1] = -data.normal().y()
    value[2] = -data.normal().z()

def value_shape(self):
    return (3,)

MCAtime = array([    0.,    27.,    42.,    58.,    69.,    88.,   110.,   130.,                                                                    
     136.,   168.,   201.,   254.,   274.,   290.,   312.,   325.,                                                                                      
     347.,   365.,   402.,   425.,   440.,   491.,   546.,   618.,                                                                                      
     703.,   758.,   828.,   897.,  1002.])/(75/60.0)/1000

scale = 750 
#Create interpolated mean velocity in time
y1 = array([ 390.        ,  398.76132931,  512.65861027,  642.32628399,                                                        
      710.66465257,  770.24169184,  779.00302115,  817.55287009,                                                                                          
      877.12990937,  941.96374622,  970.        ,  961.2386707 ,                                                                                          
      910.42296073,  870.12084592,  843.83685801,  794.7734139 ,                                                                                          
      694.89425982,  714.16918429,  682.62839879,  644.07854985,                                                                                          
      647.58308157,  589.75830816,  559.96978852,  516.16314199,                                                                                          
      486.37462236,  474.10876133,  456.58610272,  432.05438066,  390.        ])/574.211239628*scale

k = int((T+1)/max(MCAtime))
n = len(y1)
y = numpy.zeros((n-1)*k)
time = numpy.zeros((n-1)*k)

for i in range(k):
   y[i*(n-1):(i+1)*(n-1)] = y1[:-1]
   time[i*(n-1):(i+1)*(n-1)] = MCAtime[:-1]+i*max(MCAtime)

spline = intpol.UnivariateSpline(time,y,k=3, s=0)
#ass = spline.integral(0,max(MCAtime))/max(MCAtime)

n = 1000
x = linspace(0,max(MCAtime),n)
#plt.plot(x, spline(x))

#create paraboloid profile  
center = [0., 0., 0.]
# radius
r = 0.8 

# Define function spaces
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

m = TrialFunction(V)
inflow_profile = Function(V)
boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "cylinder_volume9_facet_region.xml")

assemble(inner(InflowExpression(),m)*ds(2), inflow_profile.vector(), boundaries)
# Throws-> TypeError: cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence

N = int(len(inflow_profile.vector()))

for i in range(int(N/3)):
    n1 = inflow_profile.vector()[i]
    n2 = inflow_profile.vector()[int(N/3)+i]
    n3 = inflow_profile.vector()[int(2*N/3)+i]
    norm = numpy.sqrt(n1**2+n2**2+n3**2)
    if(norm > 0):
    x = p.vector()[i]
    y = p.vector()[N/3+i]
    z = p.vector()[2*N/3+i]
    d_c = sqrt((center[0]-x)**2+(center[1]-y)**2+(center[2]-z)**2)/r

    inflow_profile.vector()[i]   = n1/norm*(1-d_c**2)
    inflow_profile.vector()[N/3+i]   = n2/norm*(1-d_c**2)
    inflow_profile.vector()[2*N/3+i] = n3/norm*(1-d_c**2)

#Initiate inflow parabolic profile
inflow_function = Function(inflow_profile.function_space())
inflow_function.vector()[:] = inflow_profile.vector()[:]*spline.__call__(t)
# spline._call_(t) -> 497.831552977

#Create boundary conditions for velocity
noslip  = DirichletBC(V, Constant ((0,0,0)),boundaries,3)
inflow  = DirichletBC(V, inflow_function, boundaries,1)
outflow = DirichletBC(Q, Constant (0), boundaries,2)

bcu = [noslip, inflow]
bcp = [outflow]

Thank you!!!

asked Aug 14, 2016 by Ivelho FEniCS Novice (200 points)