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Solving 3D elasticity

–2 votes

I am solving 3D elasticity problem. left side fixed and uniform pressure on top. code works but result is not matching with abaqus
sample code:
class Left(SubDomain):
def inside(self,x,on_boundary):
return (near (x[0],0.0) and on_boundary)

left = Left()

class Top(SubDomain ):
def inside(self , x, on_boundary ):
return (near (x[1],1.0) and on_boundary)

top = Top()
bc_fixed = DirichletBC(V, Constant ((0,0,0)), left)
bcs = [bc_fixed]
boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
boundaries.set_all (0)
left.mark(boundaries ,1)
top.mark(boundaries ,2)
ds = ds(domain=mesh , subdomain_data=boundaries)

load = -1

g = Constant ((0,load, 0 ))
def epsilon(v):
return 0.5 * (grad(v) + transpose(grad(v)))
def sigma(v):
return 2 * mu * epsilon(v) + lmbda * tr(epsilon(v)) * Identity (3)
a = inner(grad(v), sigma(u))dx
L = inner(v,g)
u = Function(V)
(u1, u2,u3) = u.split(True)

v_nodal_values = v.vector().array()

extract solution

u_nodal_values = u.vector()

u_array = u_nodal_values.array()

coor = mesh.coordinates()

for i in range(len(u_array)):

print"u(%8g,%8g,%8g) =%g" % \

(coor[i][0], coor[i][1], coor[i][2],u_array[i])

print solution


closed with the note: Problem solved.
asked Aug 11, 2016 by hirshikesh FEniCS User (1,890 points)
closed Aug 17, 2016 by johannr

You really need to clean this up and write properly before you expect an answer.

Yes, this will not even compile since you have not defined the constants, the mesh or even included done basic debugging, e.g.

L = inner(v,g)ds(2)

I have solved this problem, Thank you for your reply
