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Example for elasto-plasicity problem using package "FEniCS Solid Mechanics"

0 votes


I am a new user of Fenics and I am looking for examples using "FEniCS Solid Mechanics" : elasto-plasticity ...

My best

asked Jul 13, 2016 by stephanepa FEniCS Novice (350 points)

Do you think it is possible to do this with a python script using dolfin and solid-mechanics ?


1 Answer

0 votes

When you download the FSM app, you get a demo folder with it. Try them. They are all based on C++.

Currently there are no demos with python, because C++ provides a more efficient interface for FSM, but the developers may role out python wrapped demos in future.

answered Jul 21, 2016 by Chaitanya_Raj_Goyal FEniCS User (4,150 points)
Python and FSM