Hi, the resulting vector from operations that you require can always be obtained without form the matrices explicitly. For this the linear algebra API of DOLFIN is sufficient. Should you require the matrices explicitely you can use PETSc API though petsc4py. Both usecases are illustrated below
from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
e = Constant((1, 2))
A = assemble(inner(dot(grad(u), e), v)*dx)
B = A.copy()
A_mat, B_mat = as_backend_type(A).mat(), as_backend_type(B).mat()
x = interpolate(Expression(('sin(x[0])', 'cos(x[1])'), degree=2), V).vector()
#--- Transpose
# By action
y1 = x.copy()
A.transpmult(x, y1) # y1 = A'*x
# With explicit matrix B = A'
# We have non-sym matrix so sanity check
A -= B # A = A - B
e = A.norm('linf')
info('|A-B|=%g' % e)
# Make sure they are the same
y2 = x.copy()
B.mult(x, y2) # y2 = B*x
y2.axpy(-1, y1) # y2 = y2-y1
e = y2.norm('linf')
info('|y1-y2|=%g' % e)
#--- Power
# By action, y1 = A*(A*x)
for i in range(2): A.mult(x, y1)
# With explicit matrix
C = A.copy(); C_mat = as_backend_type(C).mat()
C_mat.matMult(C_mat) # C = C**2
C.mult(x, y2)
# Make sure they are the same
y2.axpy(-1, y1)
e = y2.norm('linf')
info('|y1-y2|=%g' % e)