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Building a block matrix for an eigenvalue problem

0 votes

Hello! I am having trouble building a block matrix for an eigenvalue problem.
I am having issues using petsc4py so I decided to try out cbc.block.
With cbc.block I am able to successfully build the matrixes I need but I cannot find an eigenvalue solver in cbc.block.

Is there an eigenvalue solver that I have not found? Or a better way to deal with this problem?
Thanks for the help!

asked Jun 15, 2016 by sarah FEniCS Novice (430 points)

I have found a different method to solve my problem without block matrices and that is to use multiple function spaces.

This document for cbc.block gives an example of Mixed Poisson using both block matrices and multiple function spaces. It is called blockdolfin.pdf and can be found in the doc folder:

A similar question can also be seen here:
