When I run the following code
temp = PETScMatrix() temp.resize((10,10))
I get the following error message:
'PETScMatrix' object has no attribute 'resize'
Any suggestions as to why this is happening?
You should access the underlying PETSc object and use the PETSc interface to modify the matrix manually. I think the fenics API was specifically intended not to re-invent the underlying linear algebra back-end's functionalities.
Thanks for your help!
I am having trouble accessing the underlying PETSc object. What is the best way to do that? It appears that the available attributes I have for temp are temp.add temp.add_local temp.apply temp.array temp.assign temp.axpy temp.binary_dump temp.copy temp.empty temp.factory temp.get temp.get_diagonal temp.get_options_prefix temp.getrow temp.id temp.ident temp.ident_local temp.ident_zeros temp.init temp.init_vector temp.is_symmetric temp.label temp.local_range temp.mat temp.mpi_comm temp.mult temp.name temp.nnz temp.norm temp.parameters temp.petsc_error temp.rank temp.rename temp.set temp.set_diagonal temp.set_local temp.set_nullspace temp.set_options_prefix temp.setrow temp.shared_instance temp.size temp.str temp.this temp.thisown temp.transpmult temp.zero temp.zero_local
After I import petsc4py and petsc, if I instead try to create a PETSc object I get the message 'name 'PETSc' is not defined'
The mat method returns a pointer to a PETSc matrix object of type Mat, similarly for vectors.
Since you are using PETSc4py, it will be slightly different from what happens in C++. A personal hint: download the petsc4py code and use its comments as documentation [or the imported python package if docstrings are set correctly] since the online documentation is empty.