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value shape in subclass vs cpp expression

+1 vote

Trying to turn some expression from python subclass into JIT cpp.

First the basics:

import dolfin

mesh = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(1,1)
dX = dolfin.dx(mesh)

fe = dolfin.FiniteElement(

Now the python sublass:

class PyExpr(dolfin.Expression):
    def eval(self, values, position):
        print "position = "+str(position)
        values[0] = 1.
        print "values = "+str(values)
pyExpr = PyExpr(element=fe)
dolfin.assemble(pyExpr * dX)

This works fine. Now if I try to use a JIT expression without specifying the dimension

namespace dolfin

class CppExpr : public Expression

    CppExpr(): Expression()

    void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& position) const
        std::cout << "position = " << position << std::endl;
        values[0] = 1.;
        std::cout << "values = " << values << std::endl;

cppExpr = dolfin.Expression(cppExprCode, element=fe)
dolfin.assemble(cppExpr * dX)

It works ok but the dimension of the expression is set to three. Now if I try to set it to one:

namespace dolfin

class CppExpr : public Expression

    CppExpr(): Expression(1)

    void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& position) const
        std::cout << "position = " << position << std::endl;
        values[0] = 1.;
        std::cout << "values = " << values << std::endl;

cppExpr = dolfin.Expression(cppExprCode, element=fe)
dolfin.assemble(cppExpr * dX)

I'm getting the error:

ValueError: The value shape of the passed 'element', is not equal to the value shape of the compiled expression.

What would be the correct way to do so? Thanks!

asked Jun 9, 2016 by Martin Genet FEniCS User (1,460 points)

Hi, what makes you say that the dimension of the expression is set to three in the first compiled example?

Thanks for your help! If you run the code, you get

position = [ 0.66666667  0.33333333]
values = [ 1.]
position = [ 0.33333333  0.66666667]
values = [ 1.]

for the python subclass expression, but you get

position = <Point x = 0.666667 y = 0.333333 z = 0>
values = <Point x = 1 y = 0 z = 0>
position = <Point x = 0.333333 y = 0.666667 z = 0>
values = <Point x = 1 y = 0 z = 0>

for the cpp jit expression.

Actually, writing

std::cout << "values.size() = " << values.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "values = " << values << std::endl;


values.size() = 1
values = <Point x = 1 y = 0 z = 0>
values.size() = 1
values = <Point x = 1 y = 0 z = 0>

which I find a little strange. Anyway, the dimension is indeed 1. Thanks!
