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Dirichlet problem on connected subset of mesh

0 votes

Given a subset of cells (of some mesh) the closed union of which forms a simply connected domain, I'd like to solve a problem with Dirichlet bcs using a restricted function space. However, I don't know how to define the boundary indicator function (SubDomain.inside()) to identity the boundary of my subdomain.
Thanks for advise,

asked Aug 29, 2013 by meigel FEniCS User (1,520 points)
edited Aug 29, 2013 by meigel

A minimal code example would help us help you.

Sure, here goes:

from dolfin import *

# create mesh and select patch of some cell -> C
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4,4)
selected_index = 3
selected_cell = Cell(mesh, selected_index)
C = [c.index() for c in cells(selected_cell)]

cf = CellFunction('size_t', mesh)
for i in C:
    cf[i] = 0

# create boundary element measure
dx = dx[cf]

# define restricted space
restriction = Restriction(cf, 0)
V = FunctionSpace(restriction, "CG", 1)

# define functions
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Constant(1.0)

# define forms
a = dot(grad(u),grad(v))*dx()
L = f*v*dx()

# define boundary condition
# BUT: how???
#zero = Constant(0.0)
#boundary = Boundary()
#bc = DirichletBC(V, zero, boundary)

# solve system
u = Function(V)
solve(a == L, u)

# plot cell patch and solution
plot(u, interactive=True)

Now, this restricted problem should have Dirichlet boundary conditions. How can one define the boundary?

1 Answer

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Best answer


If I understand your question correctly, here is a possible solution:

# define boundary condition
# BUT: how???
ff = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
# Set value of ff to 1 on boundary of restriction
for cell in cells(mesh):
    if cf[cell.index()] == 0:
        for facet in facets(cell):
            if facet.num_entities(2) == 1: # exterior boundary
                ff[facet.index()] = 1
                c0, c1 = facet.entities(2)
                if cf[int(c0)] != cf[int(c1)]:   # interior boundary
                    ff[facet.index()] = 1

zero = Constant(0.0)
bc = DirichletBC(V, zero, ff, 1)

# solve system
u = Function(V)
solve(a == L, u, bcs=bc)
answered Aug 31, 2013 by mikael-mortensen FEniCS Expert (29,340 points)
selected Sep 7, 2013 by meigel

Exactly what I need. Thanks!
