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Can FEniCS unrefine a mesh?

+1 vote

Does FEniCS have the capability of unrefining a mesh? I can imagine a situation where a vortex or some other interesting dynamic moves across the mesh and it would be useful to refine around the vortex and relax how refined the mesh is everywhere else. That way the mesh focuses on the vortex and doesn't leave a trail of dense mesh structure.

Any thoughts?

(While I'm at it, anyone have a good source to read about how to choose the appropriate goal functional for mesh refinement?)

asked May 18, 2016 by aldenpack FEniCS User (1,450 points)

I recently asked a similar (the same?) question here. Unfortunately I'm not aware that anything's changed: the current adaptive mesh refinement tools don't really appear to be meant for time-dependent problems.

1 Answer

0 votes

If you are in 2D and do not need it to work it parallel, you can use the pragmatic toolkit:

answered May 20, 2016 by KristianE FEniCS Expert (12,900 points)