I don't exactly understand what you try to achieve but one way to remove a cell is to create a new mesh based on the old one without the cell you want to remove. Here is a 1D example:
from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(5)
old_cells = mesh.cells()
old_coors = mesh.coordinates()
new_coors = np.delete(old_coors, (3), axis=0)
new_cells = np.delete(old_cells, (-1), axis = 0)
new_mesh = Mesh()
editor = MeshEditor()
editor.open(new_mesh, 1, 1)
vert_id = 0
for vert in new_coors:
editor.add_vertex(vert_id, vert)
vert_id += 1
cell_id = 0
for c in range(len(new_cells)):
editor.add_cell(cell_id, new_cells[c][0], new_cells[c][1])
cell_id += 1
plot(new_mesh, interactive=True)