CAM seminar
The new interdiscplinary CAM seminar
is an activity that is sponsored
and hosted by the Department of Computational Mathematics/Chalmers Finite Element Center, and is organized by
Stig Larsson and Mats G. Larson.
This new interdisciplinary seminar series is motivated by the need and
demand to bring together researchers from the different disciplines
(Math., CS, Eng. etc.) that are working in the area of numerical
methods and scientific computing. In the CAM seminar we expect to
satisfy two different objectives. The first objective is to establish
a stimulating forum for interdisciplinary discussions and interactions
by inviting researchers from within Chalmers and from abroad to present
their work. The second objective is to promote collaborations between
CAM people at Chalmers by having a number of Chalmers graduate students
present their work.
In general, the seminar schedule will incorporate every other week
a formal presentation by a faculty member (Chalmers or invited), and also
every other week a more informal presentation by a graduate student.
With regard to students, we expect all our graduate students to attend
all seminars, and to also give one or two presentations per year.
We think that this CAM seminar will be of great interest to the science
community, and hope that researchers here at Chalmers will show their
support for this activity by attending the seminar series.
The schedule for the seminars can be found