Source code for dolfin.plotting

# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Joachim B. Haga and Fredrik Valdmanis
# This file is part of DOLFIN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np

from dolfin import cpp, fem, function

__all__ = ["plot"]

_meshfunction_types = (cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionInt, cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionDouble,
_matplotlib_plottable_types = (cpp.function.Function,
                               cpp.fem.DirichletBC) + _meshfunction_types
_all_plottable_types = tuple(set.union(set(_matplotlib_plottable_types)))

def _has_matplotlib():
        import matplotlib  # noqa
    except ImportError:
        return False
    return True

def mesh2triang(mesh):
    import matplotlib.tri as tri
    xy = mesh.geometry.points
    return tri.Triangulation(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], mesh.cells())

def mplot_mesh(ax, mesh, **kwargs):
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    gdim = mesh.geometry.dim
    if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
        color = kwargs.pop("color", '#808080')
        return ax.triplot(mesh2triang(mesh), color=color, **kwargs)
    elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 3:
        bmesh = cpp.mesh.BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior", order=False)
        mplot_mesh(ax, bmesh, **kwargs)
    elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2:
        xy = mesh.geometry.points
        return ax.plot_trisurf(
            *[xy[:, i] for i in range(gdim)], triangles=mesh.cells(), **kwargs)
    elif tdim == 1:
        x = [mesh.geometry.points[:, i] for i in range(gdim)]
        if gdim == 1:
        marker = kwargs.pop('marker', 'o')
        return ax.plot(*x, marker=marker, **kwargs)
        assert False, "this code should not be reached"

# TODO: This is duplicated somewhere else
def create_cg1_function_space(mesh, sh):
    r = len(sh)
    if r == 0:
        V = function.FunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 1))
    elif r == 1:
        V = function.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 1), dim=sh[0])
        V = function.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 1), shape=sh)
    return V

def mplot_expression(ax, f, mesh, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Can probably avoid creating the function space here by
    # restructuring mplot_function a bit so it can handle Expression
    # natively
    V = create_cg1_function_space(mesh, f.value_shape)
    g = fem.interpolate(f, V)
    return mplot_function(ax, g, **kwargs)

def mplot_function(ax, f, **kwargs):
    mesh = f.function_space.mesh
    gdim = mesh.geometry.dim
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim

    # Extract the function vector in a way that also works for
    # subfunctions
        fvec = f.vector
    except RuntimeError:
        fspace = f.function_space
            fspace = fspace.collapse()
        except RuntimeError:
        fvec = fem.interpolate(f, fspace).vector

    if fvec.getSize() == mesh.num_entities(tdim):
        # DG0 cellwise function
        C = fvec.get_local()
        if (C.dtype.type is np.complex128):
            warnings.warn("Plotting real part of complex data")
            C = np.real(C)
        # NB! Assuming here dof ordering matching cell numbering
        if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
            return ax.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2:  # surface in 3d
            # FIXME: Not tested, probably broken
            xy = mesh.geometry.points
            shade = kwargs.pop("shade", True)
            return ax.plot_trisurf(
                mesh2triang(mesh), xy[:, 2], C, shade=shade, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 1 and tdim == 1:
            x = mesh.geometry.points[:, 0]
            nv = len(x)
            # Insert duplicate points to get piecewise constant plot
            xp = np.zeros(2 * nv - 2)
            xp[0] = x[0]
            xp[-1] = x[-1]
            xp[1:2 * nv - 3:2] = x[1:-1]
            xp[2:2 * nv - 2:2] = x[1:-1]
            Cp = np.zeros(len(xp))
            Cp[0:len(Cp) - 1:2] = C
            Cp[1:len(Cp):2] = C
            return ax.plot(xp, Cp, *kwargs)
        # elif tdim == 1:  # FIXME: Plot embedded line
            raise AttributeError(
                'Matplotlib plotting backend only supports 2D mesh for scalar functions.'

    elif f.value_rank == 0:
        # Scalar function, interpolated to vertices
        # TODO: Handle DG1?
        C = f.compute_point_values()
        if (C.dtype.type is np.complex128):
            warnings.warn("Plotting real part of complex data")
            C = np.real(C)

        if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
            mode = kwargs.pop("mode", "contourf")
            if mode == "contourf":
                levels = kwargs.pop("levels", 40)
                return ax.tricontourf(
                    mesh2triang(mesh), C[:, 0], levels, **kwargs)
            elif mode == "color":
                shading = kwargs.pop("shading", "gouraud")
                return ax.tripcolor(
                    mesh2triang(mesh), C[:, 0], shading=shading, **kwargs)
            elif mode == "warp":
                from matplotlib import cm
                cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", cm.jet)
                linewidths = kwargs.pop("linewidths", 0)
                return ax.plot_trisurf(
                    C[:, 0],
            elif mode == "wireframe":
                return ax.triplot(mesh2triang(mesh), **kwargs)
            elif mode == "contour":
                return ax.tricontour(mesh2triang(mesh), C[:, 0], **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2:  # surface in 3d
            # FIXME: Not tested
            from matplotlib import cm
            cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", cm.jet)
            return ax.plot_trisurf(
                mesh2triang(mesh), C[:, 0], cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 3:
            # Volume
            # TODO: Isosurfaces?
            # Vertex point cloud
            X = [mesh.geometrycoordinates[:, i] for i in range(gdim)]
            return ax.scatter(*X, c=C, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 1 and tdim == 1:
            x = mesh.geometry.points[:, 0]

            p = ax.plot(x, C[:, 0], **kwargs)

            # Setting limits for Line2D objects
            # Must be done after generating plot to avoid ignoring function
            # range if no vmin/vmax are supplied
            vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None)
            vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None)
            ax.set_ylim([vmin, vmax])

            return p
        # elif tdim == 1: # FIXME: Plot embedded line
            raise AttributeError(
                'Matplotlib plotting backend only supports 2D mesh for scalar functions.'

    elif f.value_rank == 1:
        # Vector function, interpolated to vertices
        w0 = f.compute_point_values()
        if (w0.dtype.type is np.complex128):
            warnings.warn("Plotting real part of complex data")
            w0 = np.real(w0)
        nv = mesh.num_entities(0)
        if w0.shape[1] != gdim:
            raise AttributeError(
                'Vector length must match geometric dimension.')
        X = mesh.geometry.points
        X = [X[:, i] for i in range(gdim)]
        U = [x for x in w0.T]

        # Compute magnitude
        C = U[0]**2
        for i in range(1, gdim):
            C += U[i]**2
        C = np.sqrt(C)

        mode = kwargs.pop("mode", "glyphs")
        if mode == "glyphs":
            args = X + U + [C]
            if gdim == 3:
                length = kwargs.pop("length", 0.1)
                return ax.quiver(*args, length=length, **kwargs)
                return ax.quiver(*args, **kwargs)
        elif mode == "displacement":
            Xdef = [X[i] + U[i] for i in range(gdim)]
            import matplotlib.tri as tri
            if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
                # FIXME: Not tested
                triang = tri.Triangulation(Xdef[0], Xdef[1], mesh.cells())
                shading = kwargs.pop("shading", "flat")
                return ax.tripcolor(triang, C, shading=shading, **kwargs)
                # Return gracefully to make regression test pass without vtk
                    'Plotting does not support displacement for {} in {}}. Continuing without plot.'.
                    format(tdim, gdim))

def mplot_meshfunction(ax, obj, **kwargs):
    mesh = obj.mesh
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    d = obj.dim
    if tdim == 2 and d == 2:
        C = obj.array()
        triang = mesh2triang(mesh)
        assert not kwargs.pop("facecolors",
                              None), "Not expecting 'facecolors' in kwargs"
        return ax.tripcolor(triang, facecolors=C, **kwargs)
        # Return gracefully to make regression test pass without vtk
        cpp.warning('Matplotlib plotting backend does not support mesh '
                    'function of dim %d. Continuing without plotting...' % d)

def mplot_dirichletbc(ax, obj, **kwargs):
    raise AttributeError(
        "Matplotlib plotting backend doesn't handle DirichletBC.")

def _plot_matplotlib(obj, mesh, kwargs):
    if not isinstance(obj, _matplotlib_plottable_types):
        print("Don't know how to plot type %s." % type(obj))

    # Plotting is not working with all ufl cells
    if mesh.ufl_cell().cellname() not in [
            'interval', 'triangle', 'tetrahedron'
        raise AttributeError(
            ("Matplotlib plotting backend doesn't handle %s mesh.\n"
             "Possible options are saving the output to XDMF file.") %

    # Avoid importing pyplot until used
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    except Exception:
        cpp.warning("matplotlib.pyplot not available, cannot plot.")

    gdim = mesh.geometry.dim
    if gdim == 3 or kwargs.get("mode") in ("warp", ):
        # Importing this toolkit has side effects enabling 3d support
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d  # noqa
        # Enabling the 3d toolbox requires some additional arguments
        ax = plt.gca(projection='3d')
        ax = plt.gca()

    title = kwargs.pop("title", None)
    if title is not None:

    # Translate range_min/max kwargs supported by VTKPlotter
    vmin = kwargs.pop("range_min", None)
    vmax = kwargs.pop("range_max", None)
    if vmin and "vmin" not in kwargs:
        kwargs["vmin"] = vmin
    if vmax and "vmax" not in kwargs:
        kwargs["vmax"] = vmax

    # Drop unsupported kwargs and inform user
    _unsupported_kwargs = ["rescale", "wireframe"]
    for kw in _unsupported_kwargs:
        if kwargs.pop(kw, None):
            cpp.warning("Matplotlib backend does not support '%s' kwarg yet. "
                        "Ignoring it..." % kw)

    if isinstance(obj, cpp.function.Function):
        return mplot_function(ax, obj, **kwargs)
    # elif isinstance(obj, cpp.function.Expression):
    #     return mplot_expression(ax, obj, mesh, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(obj, cpp.mesh.Mesh):
        return mplot_mesh(ax, obj, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(obj, cpp.fem.DirichletBC):
        return mplot_dirichletbc(ax, obj, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(obj, _meshfunction_types):
        return mplot_meshfunction(ax, obj, **kwargs)
        raise AttributeError('Failed to plot %s' % type(obj))

[docs]def plot(object, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot given object. *Arguments* object a :py:class:`Mesh <dolfin.cpp.Mesh>`, a :py:class:`MeshFunction <dolfin.cpp.MeshFunction>`, a :py:class:`Function <dolfin.functions.function.Function>`, a :py:class:`Expression` <dolfin.Expression>, a :py:class:`DirichletBC` <dolfin.cpp.DirichletBC>, a :py:class:`FiniteElement <ufl.FiniteElement>`. *Examples of usage* In the simplest case, to plot only e.g. a mesh, simply use .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4, 4) plot(mesh) Use the ``title`` argument to specify title of the plot .. code-block:: python plot(mesh, tite="Finite element mesh") It is also possible to plot an element .. code-block:: python element = FiniteElement("BDM", tetrahedron, 3) plot(element) Vector valued functions can be visualized with an alternative mode .. code-block:: python plot(u, mode = "glyphs") A more advanced example .. code-block:: python plot(u, wireframe = True, # use wireframe rendering interactive = False, # do not hold plot on screen scalarbar = False, # hide the color mapping bar hardcopy_prefix = "myplot", # default plotfile name scale = 2.0, # scale the warping/glyphs title = "Fancy plot", # set your own title ) """ # Return if plotting is disabled if os.environ.get("DOLFIN_NOPLOT", "0") != "0": return # Return if Matplotlib is not available if not _has_matplotlib():"Matplotlib is required to plot from Python.") return # For dolfin.function.Function, extract cpp_object if hasattr(object, "_cpp_object"): object = object._cpp_object # Get mesh from explicit mesh kwarg, only positional arg, or via # object mesh = kwargs.pop('mesh', None) if isinstance(object, cpp.mesh.Mesh): if mesh is not None and != raise RuntimeError( "Got different mesh in plot object and keyword argument") mesh = object if mesh is None: if isinstance(object, cpp.function.Function): mesh = object.function_space.mesh elif hasattr(object, "mesh"): mesh = object.mesh # Expressions do not carry their own mesh # if isinstance(object, cpp.function.Expression) and mesh is None: # raise RuntimeError("Expecting a mesh as keyword argument") backend = kwargs.pop("backend", "matplotlib") if backend not in ("matplotlib"): raise RuntimeError("Plotting backend %s not recognised" % backend) # Try to project if object is not a standard plottable type if not isinstance(object, _all_plottable_types): raise RuntimeError("Cannot plot object.") # Plot if backend == "matplotlib": return _plot_matplotlib(object, mesh, kwargs) else: assert False, "This code should not be reached."